September 18th, 2023
by Felicia Severson
by Felicia Severson
I want to talk to you for a moment about the next three weekends at Cornerstone, which are primed to be God-filled and powerful gatherings as we worship Jesus together.
Sunday, September 17th
We are continuing in our Joseph’s series, covering the text where Joseph comes back into relationship with his brothers, who previously sold him into slavery and left him for dead. Will he forgive them? How could he forgive them? Forgiveness is such a huge topic for all of us. If you have a friend you’ve been wanting to invite to church, this is a great weekend to bring them. We will have a special prayer time for people to respond to either choosing to be forgiven or offer forgiveness in Jesus’ name. The forgiveness of Jesus is like nothing else in this world. I’m praying God will penetrate our hearts and take hold of the hearts of our Ones who join us Sunday.
Sunday, September 24th
As we conclude our Joseph series, we will talk about offering our identity to God and replace it with the identity that Jesus offers us. That day, we are going to celebrate and recognize in person everyone who has been baptized at Cornerstone in 2023. We will be incorporating our light wall into the service that weekend with a renewed emphasis on our Ones. We will also be praying for those who are considering choosing him and being baptized with a prayer for the following week, Baptism Sunday!
Sunday, October 1st
Baptism Sunday! Would you please join me in praying every day between now and then for God to move powerfully on 10/1? While people are baptized almost every weekend at Cornerstone, we occasionally put an emphasis on this critical faith decision to help foster conversations and give people a date to choose this next step in faith. Because Jesus calls each of us to follow him and to be baptized, we want to help every person make the decision to be obedient in baptism.
In his book “Divine Directionâ€, author and pastor Craig Groeschel says, “It’s often the start that stops us.†That phrase could be applied to so many areas of life from diet to exercise to relationships to education. But what we decide to do with Jesus is the starting point for every other decision in life. It is where the most significant eternal decisions are made that filter into everything else. Sometimes, it’s the start that stops us. For whatever reason, we just never quite fully get going in following Jesus and being baptized. When someone is baptized, there is no question what they are doing. They are taking a step forward toward Jesus, stepping into his grace and acting in obedience to his call. I am praying each day (hopefully with you!) for every heart associated with your church that needs to take this step to say yes to Jesus on October 1st.
Leading up to the weekend, I am going live on Cornerstone’s Facebook page at 12:30p on the next two Thursdays to answer questions people have about baptism. Questions can be submitted by responding to this email or via the Facebook page.
That day, I’ll present a clear gospel presentation as well as teaching our church a simple tool for sharing the gospel with their Ones as we launch a recap series on our vision, “This Is For Everyoneâ€.
God is moving, friends. Don’t miss it! Lean in, be present, engage in faith, and join your church in this season of spiritual fruit and growth. Can’t wait to be with you Sunday.
Sunday, September 17th
We are continuing in our Joseph’s series, covering the text where Joseph comes back into relationship with his brothers, who previously sold him into slavery and left him for dead. Will he forgive them? How could he forgive them? Forgiveness is such a huge topic for all of us. If you have a friend you’ve been wanting to invite to church, this is a great weekend to bring them. We will have a special prayer time for people to respond to either choosing to be forgiven or offer forgiveness in Jesus’ name. The forgiveness of Jesus is like nothing else in this world. I’m praying God will penetrate our hearts and take hold of the hearts of our Ones who join us Sunday.
Sunday, September 24th
As we conclude our Joseph series, we will talk about offering our identity to God and replace it with the identity that Jesus offers us. That day, we are going to celebrate and recognize in person everyone who has been baptized at Cornerstone in 2023. We will be incorporating our light wall into the service that weekend with a renewed emphasis on our Ones. We will also be praying for those who are considering choosing him and being baptized with a prayer for the following week, Baptism Sunday!
Sunday, October 1st
Baptism Sunday! Would you please join me in praying every day between now and then for God to move powerfully on 10/1? While people are baptized almost every weekend at Cornerstone, we occasionally put an emphasis on this critical faith decision to help foster conversations and give people a date to choose this next step in faith. Because Jesus calls each of us to follow him and to be baptized, we want to help every person make the decision to be obedient in baptism.
In his book “Divine Directionâ€, author and pastor Craig Groeschel says, “It’s often the start that stops us.†That phrase could be applied to so many areas of life from diet to exercise to relationships to education. But what we decide to do with Jesus is the starting point for every other decision in life. It is where the most significant eternal decisions are made that filter into everything else. Sometimes, it’s the start that stops us. For whatever reason, we just never quite fully get going in following Jesus and being baptized. When someone is baptized, there is no question what they are doing. They are taking a step forward toward Jesus, stepping into his grace and acting in obedience to his call. I am praying each day (hopefully with you!) for every heart associated with your church that needs to take this step to say yes to Jesus on October 1st.
Leading up to the weekend, I am going live on Cornerstone’s Facebook page at 12:30p on the next two Thursdays to answer questions people have about baptism. Questions can be submitted by responding to this email or via the Facebook page.
That day, I’ll present a clear gospel presentation as well as teaching our church a simple tool for sharing the gospel with their Ones as we launch a recap series on our vision, “This Is For Everyoneâ€.
God is moving, friends. Don’t miss it! Lean in, be present, engage in faith, and join your church in this season of spiritual fruit and growth. Can’t wait to be with you Sunday.
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