March 23rd, 2023
by Felicia Severson
by Felicia Severson
Church! What an exciting day last Sunday was for our church. If you were present in person, you know we each wrote our Ones names onto a light bulb and placed it in our This Is For Everyone light bulb wall. That step for each of us was a commitment to love them and pray for them each and every day. What an incredible picture of our love for Jesus, trust in God, and heart for our Ones! I absolutely cannot wait to hear story after story of God bringing our Ones to faith.

This Sunday is part 3 of our series. I am so excited to share this message with you and together take some serious ground in reaching people with the Good News of Jesus. Read Mark 2 as you prepare for this weekend. I can’t wait to see you there, expecting God to do powerful things among us.
If you are watching the calendar, you know that Easter is just around the corner on April 9th! Easter at Cornerstone is going to be really special this year, as we are having our services at 9:00a and 11:00a in a HUGE tent in the front yard where our future worship center will sit. It is an exclamation point for our campaign, pointing to our confidence that God will do what only God can do both in the hearts of our Ones and in helping us raise the $3m needed to launch this journey. Along with our worship services, we are utilizing parts of our building for family activities like inflatable games. If you are a family, come early or stay late to spend some time on campus enjoying a beautiful spring day (I’m praying for that for sure!) and having a great day with your church. If you are bringing some Ones with you, let them know we have extra activities for their kids and age-appropriate classes for children of all ages.
A few ways to invite:
Physical Easter Card – We have printed some professional invite cards that you can pick up on campus this weekend to share with friends. It’s a simple way to open a conversation asking someone to join you for Easter.
Social Media Post – If you are on social, consider sharing one of Cornerstone’s Easter posts on your own pages or send them directly to people you’d like to invite.
Personal Conversation – I know, just actually talking to people is old-school, but you just never know! Maybe just have a conversation and invite someone to join you? They just might say yes!
The statistics tend to always suggest that Easter is one of the MOST open times of year for a conversation about faith or an invite to church. I’m praying that you are able to talk with your Ones and share our awesome church with those near and around you.
If you are watching the calendar, you know that Easter is just around the corner on April 9th! Easter at Cornerstone is going to be really special this year, as we are having our services at 9:00a and 11:00a in a HUGE tent in the front yard where our future worship center will sit. It is an exclamation point for our campaign, pointing to our confidence that God will do what only God can do both in the hearts of our Ones and in helping us raise the $3m needed to launch this journey. Along with our worship services, we are utilizing parts of our building for family activities like inflatable games. If you are a family, come early or stay late to spend some time on campus enjoying a beautiful spring day (I’m praying for that for sure!) and having a great day with your church. If you are bringing some Ones with you, let them know we have extra activities for their kids and age-appropriate classes for children of all ages.
A few ways to invite:
Physical Easter Card – We have printed some professional invite cards that you can pick up on campus this weekend to share with friends. It’s a simple way to open a conversation asking someone to join you for Easter.
Social Media Post – If you are on social, consider sharing one of Cornerstone’s Easter posts on your own pages or send them directly to people you’d like to invite.
Personal Conversation – I know, just actually talking to people is old-school, but you just never know! Maybe just have a conversation and invite someone to join you? They just might say yes!
The statistics tend to always suggest that Easter is one of the MOST open times of year for a conversation about faith or an invite to church. I’m praying that you are able to talk with your Ones and share our awesome church with those near and around you.

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