A Note From Chris- August 24, 2023

This is GROUPS sign up season at Cornerstone, and we long for everyone to find the community and growth that comes from following Jesus in community with other people.
Are you in a group? If not, maybe you can relate to one of the reasons below to NOT be in a group.
Why Not Be In A Group?
“I don’t really know anyone.”
Groups can really help with that. While it can be intimidating and risky to jump into a group with strangers, it can also be incredibly fulfilling. God is moving, and often hand crafts relationships we would have never seen coming.
“I don’t really have time.”
Probably true! In today’s world, it seems like every minute is taken up by something. However, it is critical that we make sure the “big rocks” get attention and commitment in our lives. Is there something in your life that needs to go in order to prioritize Christian community better?
“There are some weird people in groups!”
There is legitimate concern that a new group may be filled with people that drain you or you don’t connect with. It takes all kinds to make up a church. But the reward is worth the risk. In situations where things truly just don’t work, our team can help make adjustments. But sometimes, being in a group with a different kind of person with a different perspective can be very meaningful and helpful for growth. Plus, it’s a chance to extend the love of Jesus in a unique way.
 â€œOther people knowing your ‘stuff’ is risky!”
Yes, it is! But it’s also the best way to care for others and be cared for. As we follow the “one another” commands in Scripture, we see God grow us in ways we won’t grow otherwise.
“We tried a group and had a bad experience.”
Yep, that happens too! Sometimes more than once. But that doesn’t mean God doesn’t have something special around the corner for you this time.
“I may have to miss some, so I don’t want to commit.”
Commitment and being present are of course important for a group. But don’t let the potential of missing keep you from a blessing.
“What about our kids?”
Many of our groups either provide childcare (on campus) or organize their own childcare (in homes) in creative and useful ways.
 â€œI would, but my spouse is just not there yet.”
There are gender-only groups for folks who don’t have a spouse or need/desire to have a group that is not structured for couples.
“There isn’t really a group near me.”
Cornerstone has groups literally all over the MetroEast, including on campus. While you may need to drive a bit for the ideal group, the sacrifice is worth it! Most of us will drive an extra 10 minutes just for a certain food or ice cream. We can do the same for meaningful spiritual growth with others.
“No one asked me to be in a group.”
Consider yourself asked! I really believe it is a great way to grow in faith and be a blessing to others simultaneously. Would you please prayerfully consider signing up for a group at Cornerstone?
To find a list of groups, click here.

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