January 27th, 2022
by Raydean Stuckey
by Raydean Stuckey
Cornerstone Family,
Sunday, someone said to me something like, “I’m excited! It really feels like God is doing something special in our church.â€
I agree. Whenever we pray together and truly seek God, good things happen. Whenever we faithfully serve and give our talents to God, good things happen. Whenever we commit to grow in relationship together, good things happen. Whenever we gather and worship, give out of the overflow, and recommit ourselves to Jesus, good things happen. So I have two questions for us to ponder today.
1) Are You Praying In the 100 Days of Prayer?
A couple weeks back, we launched this season of 100 Days of Prayer, a focus time for our church to double down on our prayer lives and pray for our church, God’s clarity for us, and a season of growth together in faith. Are you with us? Have you been praying?
The stories I’m hearing already from our prayer focus is great confirmation that God is moving, his timing is perfect, and our willingness to put him first has incredible outcomes. One O’Fallon leader called two different people this week to pray with them, and both were going through potentially the hardest 24 hours of their lives. Only God knew that. One Shiloh person told me they have softened their heart toward a hurtful family member by simply praying for them by name over the last 10 days. Only God can do that! I am personally sensing a peace and comfort from God in knowing that he is fully in control and we are called simply to faithfully serve and love him. Only God can do that. If you are not yet praying with us every day, join us today! Set aside some time to intentionally connect with the Lord and pray to him. Consider asking yourself a few prayer questions and actions:
Who should I be praying for in my life? Pray for them. If God did something incredible in my heart or life, what would it be? Pray for that. What do you hope God does in our church? Pray for that. Who are your Ones? Pray for them.
2) Are You Signed Up For A Group?
We are heading into week 2 of a 3 weeks Groups Expo at both campuses. Our hope is that everyone can join a group for our alignment series called, “Soul Keepers†as well as further study when it ends, 12 weeks in total. On Campus groups are launching on Sunday afternoons (Shiloh), Sunday nights (O’Fallon), and Wednesday nights (Shiloh). If you aren’t regularly in a gathering with others to study the Bible and discuss faith, this is a great opportunity for you! If you are already signed up, prayerfully consider who you need to ask to join you at your table when we launch in February. Perhaps God is preparing someone’s heart for a new season of spiritual growth. If you aren't signed up yet you can do so here.
On the financial front, our 2021 giving statements are being sent out this week to all who gave financially last year. I’m once again humbled and blessed by your faithfulness to God as a church. I am also hopeful and prayerful for an incredible 2022 as we seek him together!
Yours & His,
Chris VandeLinde
Sunday, someone said to me something like, “I’m excited! It really feels like God is doing something special in our church.â€
I agree. Whenever we pray together and truly seek God, good things happen. Whenever we faithfully serve and give our talents to God, good things happen. Whenever we commit to grow in relationship together, good things happen. Whenever we gather and worship, give out of the overflow, and recommit ourselves to Jesus, good things happen. So I have two questions for us to ponder today.
1) Are You Praying In the 100 Days of Prayer?
A couple weeks back, we launched this season of 100 Days of Prayer, a focus time for our church to double down on our prayer lives and pray for our church, God’s clarity for us, and a season of growth together in faith. Are you with us? Have you been praying?
The stories I’m hearing already from our prayer focus is great confirmation that God is moving, his timing is perfect, and our willingness to put him first has incredible outcomes. One O’Fallon leader called two different people this week to pray with them, and both were going through potentially the hardest 24 hours of their lives. Only God knew that. One Shiloh person told me they have softened their heart toward a hurtful family member by simply praying for them by name over the last 10 days. Only God can do that! I am personally sensing a peace and comfort from God in knowing that he is fully in control and we are called simply to faithfully serve and love him. Only God can do that. If you are not yet praying with us every day, join us today! Set aside some time to intentionally connect with the Lord and pray to him. Consider asking yourself a few prayer questions and actions:
Who should I be praying for in my life? Pray for them. If God did something incredible in my heart or life, what would it be? Pray for that. What do you hope God does in our church? Pray for that. Who are your Ones? Pray for them.
2) Are You Signed Up For A Group?
We are heading into week 2 of a 3 weeks Groups Expo at both campuses. Our hope is that everyone can join a group for our alignment series called, “Soul Keepers†as well as further study when it ends, 12 weeks in total. On Campus groups are launching on Sunday afternoons (Shiloh), Sunday nights (O’Fallon), and Wednesday nights (Shiloh). If you aren’t regularly in a gathering with others to study the Bible and discuss faith, this is a great opportunity for you! If you are already signed up, prayerfully consider who you need to ask to join you at your table when we launch in February. Perhaps God is preparing someone’s heart for a new season of spiritual growth. If you aren't signed up yet you can do so here.
On the financial front, our 2021 giving statements are being sent out this week to all who gave financially last year. I’m once again humbled and blessed by your faithfulness to God as a church. I am also hopeful and prayerful for an incredible 2022 as we seek him together!
Yours & His,
Chris VandeLinde
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